Dream catchers are believed to make for a peaceful, restful sleep. Not only do they stand as beautiful visual reminders of the Native American tradition, but the netting and beading work to filter out bad dreams, allowing only the good ones to pass through. Dream catchers can help create a more serene sleeping environment by bringing in calming energy while warding off evil spirits. They come in an array of shapes, sizes, colors and materials, often featuring beads and feathers strung on a hoop of wood or sinew.
When hung above or near a bed, dream catchers capture any negative thoughts or unwanted visions that may linger in the subconscious during sleep. The webbed design allows good dreams to pass through it and drift down gently into the dreamer’s mind, whereas bad dreams become entangled in the webbing until morning when they disappear with the rising sun. This helps encourage lucid dreaming–a state where one is aware of the dream happening around them–and can help lead to more peaceful rest since nightmares are kept at bay.
Creating a personalized dream catcher is also said to add an extra layer of protection for those sleeping beneath it. It's believed that when someone has handcrafted their own piece with positive intentions in mind, it will bring even more effective results than store bought ones. Furthermore, they offer an opportunity to express creativity while connecting with nature and their ancestors’ traditions.
Not only can hanging dream catchers in bedrooms help people rest better at night but have also been used by cultures all around the world as powerful symbols against malevolent forces looking to cause harm or illness upon those they guard. Decorative pieces like these remind us of our spiritual roots while helping protect us from anything that might disturb our peace during our slumber hours.